It’s All the Entertainment You Need!

It’s all the entertainment you need!  Feature interviews and reviews of the biggest names and lesser known favorites in the movies, music, television, theater, literature, art, computer gaming, architecture, sports and anything else that interests you!

One thought on “It’s All the Entertainment You Need!

  1. I happened to come across your blog. Looks very cool and engaging. You may be interested in and informing your readers about our upcoming Malcolm McDowell film!

    Please let me intro. myself. We are very fortunate that Malcolm has attached himself to our upcoming film BEREAVE and he loves it so much that we are doing a #Kickstarter campaign where he is personally involved in awesome perk fulfillment. So far we have sold some great perks like dinner w/ Malcolm, premiere & party, download of completed film, roles in the film, days on set and more! We are at $38,000 with 16 days to go, but need to reach $100,000. It’s doable! But we need to get the word out, let the world know it is happening; reach his fans. Press is brutal and very stingy. So we’re going grass roots with it. Do you think you could post a little something on your blog if you like what you see? Please let us know. We would be extremely grateful to you! Here is a link to our campaign:

    As you may or may not know, Kickstarter is an all or nothing platform for crowd funding. If the campaign does not hit its goal, the backer is not charged anything. If we do hit our goal, the backers make history and produce our wonderful drama/romance starring Malcolm McDowell, Neve Campbell & JJ Feild.

    Evangelos Giovanis

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